Strong Litigator, Trusted Advisor, Seasoned Advocate.

Top Safety & Justice Stories of 2016

Let's keep America safe!

Top Safety & Justice Stories of 2016

This past year we’ve been following several stories of dangerous products or unfair practices that threaten the health, safety and legal rights of all Americans. Think exploding batteries, lead-laced drinking water, forced arbitration or faulty medical devices, for example…

But thanks to the courage of citizens like you and the power of the civil justice system, we are holding accountable many of those who put profit over public well-being. And that’s a list we can all be proud of, as these stories so richly illustrate:

  • Faulty Medical Devices: Recalls Double
  • Forced Arbitration: Sign a Contract, Lose Your Rights
  • Flint, Michigan: Lead in Water Sickens Thousands
  • Concussions and Brain Disease: NFL Settles Lawsuit
  • Asbestos: Still a Widespread Hazard
  • Prescription Drug Addiction: A National Epidemic
  • Dangerous Toys: Still on Store Shelves

You can read about all of them in our December Let America Know newsletter.


What concerns you the most? Tell us in the comments! We encourage our readers and community to play active roles in holding companies accountable and keeping our nation’s citizens safe.